1) Freight loading targeted at 910 mt – an increment of 60 mt on 2008-09; number of passengers likely to grow by around 7%.
2) Gross Traffic Receipts estimated at Rs 93,159 cr i.e. Rs 10,766 cr more than 2008-09.
3) Ordinary Working Expenses budgeted at Rs 62,900 cr to cover the full year impact of VI CPC and the payment of 60% arrears due in 2009-10.
4) Dividend payable to General Revenues kept at Rs 5,304 cr at the current applicable rates.
5) Budgeted Operating Ratio 89.9%.
6)Plan outlay kept at Rs 37,905 cr.
7) 43 new train services to be started in 2009-10, extension of 14 trains envisaged and frequency of 14 trains to be increased.
8) With a view to facilitate improved train operations, it has been decided to set up two new railway divisions at Bhagalpur and Thawe.
9) 25 surveys proposed comprising 14 for new lines, 3 for gauge conversion and 28 for doubling projects.
10) Pre-feasibility study for running high speed bullet trains being pursued.
11) Construction of Rail Wheel Factory, Chapra on in full swing;
12) Work on diesel and electric locomotive factories at Marhoura and Madhepura targeted for early start.
13) Bharat Wagon Limited, Mokama & Muzaffarpur transferred to Ministry of Railways; transfer of wagon units of Burn Standard at Burnpur and Howrah also under consideration on the same lines.
Reduction in Tariffs
1)Reduction in passenger fares of ordinary passenger trains by one rupee for fares costing up to Rupees fifty per passenger for journey above ten kms.
2)Second class and sleeper class fares of all Mail/Express and ordinary passenger trains to be reduced by 2 per cent for tickets costing Rupees fifty and more per passenger.
3) Fares of AC First Class, AC II tier, AC III tier and AC Chair Car also to be reduced by two per cent